Azure Active Directory Webinars
Microsoft has been creating quality webinars on Azure AD for quite some time, with many more to go.

Looks like I've discovered it halfway through, but Microsoft has been creating some quality content for almost six months. They've been having webinar sessions on various perks of Azure AD, such as Multi Factor Authentication (MFA), Conditional Access, Hybrid Identity, etc. They also keep the recordings on YouTube and also provide the presentations, so they're easy to find on their website. Here's the list of recordings they've done so far:
- Getting started with hybrid identity - Youtube - Presentation
- Integrating your applications with Azure Active Directory - Youtube - Presentation
- Take your apps to the next level with provisioning - Youtube - Presentation
- Upgrade your security with multi-factor authentication - Youtube - Presentation
- Starting your journey to Zero Trust with Conditional Access & Identity Protection - YouTube - Presentation
- Empower your users with better IT scalability - Youtube - Presentation
They'll pick up the recordings from March 5th, with many more to go. Make sure you check out their website for registration links:
- March 5, 2020: Your journey to passwordless
- March 12, 2020: Manage Partner Access with B2B
- March 19, 2020: Enable New Customer Experiences with B2C
- April 2, 2020: Identity Governance for Modern Organizations
- April 9, 2020: Getting started with Azure AD Reporting and Insights
- April 16, 2020: Azure AD as the New Security Control Plane
Don't forget to check out Azure section under Microsoft Tech Community; it's no Stack Overflow but some good questions and answers are in there.